Download Tool
Copy from soft ECID and put in Device field
Open tool and Connect DFU Mode on iRamdisk expert tool must be show idevice information.
Then You can place order.
Tool quick tutorial Manual
1. Enter DFU Mode with Checkra1n Patch
2. Open iRamdisk Expert Tool
3. Click IPWNDFU Button
4. Click Bootdevice Button
5. Click Check Boot Access
6. if backup saved already you will see Activate button, if backup not saved you will see Activation Backup Button and click
Dont Accept? Dont Order
We Refund Only for:
SSH Check Force Close App?
Make Video From Checkra1n Step till Force Close / iRamdisk/LPro Crash
Device is Visible
i4 Tools Running and Visible
Why Error Crash? 1 or 2 out of 10 Devices have Mount Error. This is unavoidable
1. Not activated device
2. Fmi off device / Wrong ECID
3. Carrier locked device
4. Damaged/Broken Device
5. Free bypass and updated device (spoiled device by free tools)
6. No mac
7. No supported macos
8. No cable / No power / Slow internet / No internet…
9. Didnt check backup files
10. Bypassed device
11. Hurry customers or customer go or customer not paying etc not considered at all. We are not same timezone and dev need time always
12. Not activated after restore? You have a bypassed device in hand not my fail
All SMS Works ✅
Untetheted ✅
No Avoid to re-lock ✅
No JB Requiered ✅
Bank apps Not detecting JB ✅
No battery drain ✅
iCloud sign ✅
Notification ✅
iMessage / iFacetime ✅
Delivery time: Instant
Bulk orders allowed: Yes
Order type: Custom
Service type: Server
Submit to verify allowed: No
Cancellation allowed: No
Order processing: Manual